Storage Solutions
SFC-Plus is your trusted provider for all types of Storage solutions, including ​High-Density Storage, Equipment Storage, Weapons Storage, Vertical Storage, and more.
All types of Cabinets, including Botanical, Entomology, Medical, Museum, TIMES-2, Cylinder, Loss-Prevention, All Welded Metal, Economical Metal, HazMat Response, Mobile, Modular Storage, Overhead, Safety Storage, and more cabinets.
All types of Lockers, including Standard Metal, Archival Storage, Modular, Loss Dispatch, TA50 Military, Tenant Storage, Galvanized, Athletic Sports, and Employee lockers.
One of the key capabilities we have is our space-saving planning and design services. We help you plan the best use of your space, then we carefully select the best Storage solutions for your project.
Our "customer first" quality program ensures that our workforce adheres to these important criteria:
We are available on time when you need us
We manage costs to fit your project budget
We execute the project to fit your schedule
We work hard to sustain customer satisfaction
We avoid defects, rework and deficiencies
We create innovative solutions that save you money, time and optimize your space utilization

ST31 - Military Security Storage Solution
Storage Solutions
We have many storage solutions. To see a few examples please scroll down.
If you see images you like or want more information about please tell us the codes (ST1, ST2, etc.)

ST1 - Botanical Cabinets

ST4 - High Density Storage

ST7 - Vertical Storage

ST2 - Entomology Cabinets

ST5 - Equipment Storage

ST8 - Caged Storage

ST3 - Museum Cabinets

ST6 - Weapons Storage

ST9 - TIMES-2 Cabinets

ST10 - Cylinder Cabinets

ST13 - All Welded Metal Cabinets

ST16 - Mobile Cabinets

ST19 - Modular Drawer Cabinets

ST22 - Standard Metal Lockers

ST25 - Dispatch Lockers

ST28 - Storage Galvanized Lockers

ST11 - Loss Prevention Cabinets

ST14 - Economical Metal Cabinets

ST17 - Modular Shelf Cabinets

ST20 - Overhead Cabinets

ST23 - Plat/Flat File Storage

ST26 - TA50 Military Lockers

ST29 - Athletic Sports Lockers

ST12 - Cylinder Cabinets

ST15 - HazMat Response Cabinets

ST18 - Modular Drawer Cabinets

ST21 - Safety Storage Cabinets

ST24 - Counter-Height Cabinets

ST27 - Tenant Storage Lockers

ST30 - Employee Lockers